Why We Smoke Cigars

The Cool Era: I Wanna Be Like Mike

I’m going to take you back to a time when smoking a cigar wasn’t just a pastime, it was a statement. This isn’t just about a trend; it’s also about an era where the ‘cool’ factor of cigars was undeniable. The larger-than-life personas of Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even Heidi Klum have one thing in common: they’ve all been seen with a cigar in hand, exuding an air of confidence that became synonymous with their image.

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You’re going to find out about how these public figures, alongside others like Michael Jordan, Babe Ruth, John F. Kennedy, and Jennifer Lopez, have helped to embed cigars into our cultural landscape. For me, it was Rowdy Yates in ‘Rawhide’ (played by Clint Eastwood) that really illustrated just how different it was to light up a cigar instead of a cigarette. While my friends were busy with their cigarette packs, my go-to was a Backwoods cigar, inspired by Eastwood, rugged and unpretentious.

This era wasn’t just powered by celebrity endorsements or product placements; it was about the stories and personas that these figures represented. In many ways, deciding to pick up a cigar was a nod to the qualities we saw in these individuals: independence, sophistication, and a touch of rebellion. Smokers weren’t just enjoying the tobacco; they were aligning with the ethos of icons.

As the facade of the silver screen and the gloss of magazine pages presented these cigar-smoking icons, a cultural shift happened. The influence wasn’t limited to the visual appeal of the act but permeated deeper, to a point where the type of cigar you chose became an extension of your self-identity.

But this era of imitation and aspiration eventually gave rise to something more nuanced. It ushered in an appreciation for the subtleties of flavor, the craftsmanship of cigar making, and a move towards authenticity. I’d like you to join me as we explore how our collective palate matured into what I call The Blend Era, a time frame encapsulating our developed taste for more refined cigars.

The Blend Era: The Rise of Connoisseurship

Now what is truly fascinating is how the cigar-smoking journey has evolved from mere emulation to a deep appreciation for the craft of cigar-making. This is the heart of what I call ‘The Blend Era.’ It’s not just about smoking what celebrities do; it’s about understanding and savoring the rich, complex profiles that different cigars have to offer.

Celebrities like Sylvester Stallone have been instrumental in this shift. Imagine Stallone, with his larger-than-life persona, opting for the Arturo Fuente Opus X, a choice that speaks volumes to his fans. It tells us that he is not just smoking for the cameras; he is smoking something crafted with passion and excellence. And I’m not alone when I say that having an Opus X is an unforgettable experience – it’s like a rite of passage for the cigar enthusiast.

The Arturo Fuente Opus X may have come with a steep price, but it opened my eyes to the broader brand. My personal go-to became the Arturo Fuente Churchill Maduro – rich, flavorful, but without breaking the bank. This choice reflects a larger trend: people might not always go for the top-shelf option, but they do seek out quality that resonates with their tastes and budget.

The Blend Era is about that pursuit – finding a blend that hits all the right notes. This shift has created a community that not only brandishes a famed label but also understands what’s behind it: the soil, the sunlight, the hands that rolled each cigar to perfection. And while we’re at it, let’s not forget the subtleties of strength, wrapper color, aging time – these details matter now more than ever.

For many, the Blend Era has been a journey of discovery. The mellow draw of a Maduro wrapper, the hit of a full-bodied Nicaraguan, the smooth finish of a Dominican blend – every cigar tells a story. And it’s this narrative, this essence, that paves the way to the next era – an era not defined by what we smoke, but by the connections we forge while doing it.

The Camaraderie Era: Smoking Cigars as a Bonding Experience

I’m going to wrap things up with what I believe is the heart and soul of cigar smoking—the Camaraderie Era. This isn’t just about puffing on a fancy cigar; it’s about the profound connections that are formed during those smoke-filled conversations. I’m here to help you understand why this era, above all, signifies a transformative phase in the appreciation of cigars.

People Smoking CIgars You’re going to find out about the precious and sometimes life-long friendships made over a shared fondness for cigars. Consider Tranquility Cigar Lounge in Jacksonville NC , where an invitation to a chair circle can lead to an evening of laughter, rich stories, and invaluable wisdom. It was here where three golfers, sensing the end of a business meeting with Carlos the Lounge Manage and me. We finished discussing Kafie 1901 Cigars and they seamlessly joined in the conversation, sparking an infectious laugh-fest and sharing insights—including the humorous concept of ‘She Money’, “money she don’t know I got”.

In my opinion, the Camaraderie Era transcends the physical enjoyment of the cigar and becomes something much larger—it becomes a catalyst for community and understanding. Through the simple act of lighting up, barriers are broken and strangers become companions. It’s not actually the cigar that’s critical here; it is the shared experience, the human connection that the cigar facilitates.

Don’t worry too much about whether or not you’re smoking the most expensive brand or the trendiest blend. Choose something that resonates with you, something that you will look forward to sharing in good company. Because when the smoke clears, it’s not the price tag of the cigar that remains—it’s the memories of good conversations and the echo of laughter shared among friends.

I really hope that you have the opportunity to experience this era, if you haven’t already. Remember, your first attempt at joining a cigar circle might feel intimidating, but it certainly doesn’t need to be your last. Next time, when the stories start and the laughter flows, you’ll know that you’re right where you’re supposed to be. After all, that’s the beauty of the Camaraderie Era—it’s open to everyone. So my question to you today is, where will your next conversation over cigars take you?

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